The surgical team around Dr. med. Thomas Demhartner has landed 17.11. in Lomé. For all team members it is the first trip to the lively country in West Africa. Coming from 2 degrees at Munich airport, the 32 degrees and the high humidity in Lomé are a real contrast. In the luggage the team caries a lot of medical equipment, which is needed on site for the planned hip operations. In addition, an X-ray machine, an Athroscopy Tower and the tools needed for the operation were sent to Togo in advance. The equipment donated by Aimes-Afrique-Allemagne and its partners will remain in Togo and will be available at Clinique International. Kodom to be used by the local specialists. The clinic of Dr. med. Kodom, the founder of Aimes-Afrique, has been preparing for our mission for weeks. The potential patients have come from all over the country and are examined in the clinic accordingly. X-rays, laboratory values, ECG etc.
In a joint council with Dr. Kodom, his assistant physicians and our team the patients are examined again and selected for the operation after evaluation of all parameters.
Many things, which are a matter of course for us in Germany in everyday clinic work and workflow, have to be worked out for us here in Togo. The premises and the equipment on site are prepared by us for our purposes and adapted to our standards. This preparation includes things like the inspection of the sterilization plant. The equipment of the sugery room will be adapted to our habits and needs. We also brought along supplies such as needles, sutures, compresses etc.
Young physicians from Togo have been watching over our operations during our operations to learn the techniques we use and continue to practice in the country.

Dr. Demhartner and Dr. Kodom informing the waiting patients.

Joint examinations of patients with local doctors.

Discussing the results
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